Modern Wedding Venue Melbourne

Introducing our latest stunning newlyweds Shaqueal and Adrian who enjoyed a bright and fun August 2023 wedding at our beautiful Melbourne wedding venue Bramleigh Estate.

Get ready to swoon!

Featuring a vibrant styling colour palate of rust, nude, orange and white, plus drop dead gorgeous photography from Love and Other, this real wedding is truly one not to be missed….


When and where did you first meet?

We went to the same high school, never spoke a word then officially met after school at a friend’s party!


How long were you together before your partner popped the question?

Three years and 10 months!


Tell us about the proposal! Did your partner suspect anything?

Shaqueal: Adrian can’t keep secrets and he had dropped a few giveaways but I wasn’t convinced the timing was right as we had just come out of COVID and I never thought he’d have the time to organise a ring and a proposal.

I ignored most of the flags and was of course super surprised when it actually happened!

Wedding Ceremony Kiss
Wedding Ceremony Entrance
Wedding Ceremony Vows
Floral Wedding Arbour
Fun wedding ceremony Melbourne
Ceremony Location Melbourne
Fun Wedding Melbourne
Wedding Ceremony Location Melbourne
Outdoor Wedding Ceremony Melbourne
Wedding Ceremony Kiss

Were you glad you did a first look?

110%! I couldn’t recommend it more. For two people who hate the spotlight, the thought of everyone watching us during that special moment wouldn’t have given us the same experience. Your guests see everything else during your wedding day, so it was super nice to have a moment just for us.


How did you feel seeing each other for the first time on your wedding day?

Shaqueal: I felt instantly at ease, he was my calm.

Adrian: I felt excited and everything felt really real all of a sudden!


Who were your favourite suppliers on the day and why?

Bramleigh Estate (without a doubt!) and our florist/stylist The Petalier.

The staff at Bramleigh were an absolute dream and I couldn’t imagine my wedding anywhere else. They were beyond reasonable and accommodating and from my perspective as a bride, they had the best communication out of all my vendors. Our guests were extremely well fed and well catered for with sublime food and drinks throughout the whole event.

Not a single guest had a bad thing to say and everyone has spoken so highly of the whole day. We even had a family friend recommend their brother get married at Bramleigh Estate after they experienced our wedding!

The Petalier were also so easy to deal with – I gave them my vision and they matched it exactly. They gave recommendations to enhance the look but never once pressured me to make any upgrades.


Our other fabulous suppliers were:

Photography – Love and Other

Celebrant – Marry Us Mich

Cake – Eiffel Tower Cakes

Napery – Cloth and Confetti

Videography – Love and Other

DJ – Front Row Entertainment

Wedding Bouquet
Melbourne Bride
Wedding Ceremony Champagne
Modern Melbourne Bride
Bright Wedding Entrance Sign

Looking back on your wedding day, what was the best part?

We both agree that our first look/private vows was the most memorable moment, however the reception was the party we dreamed of!


What tip would you give to anyone planning a wedding? And also, a tip for the actual day?

I would 100% follow your own vision, trust in your vendors and make sure you hire the ones you connect with on a personal level – they will make or break your wedding day.

Our tip for the actual wedding day would be to not let the little things bother you. I know everyone says it, but things will go wrong and the day goes far too quick to let any hitches take your happiness away.

For example, we forgot the rose petals for my ceremony entry and still got the most beautiful photos without the roses. The day will go how it’s supposed to…


How has married life been for you since the big day? What’s next for the future?

Married life has been both chaotic and exciting. Adrian has started his own business, Shaqueal has changed careers and we hope to start a family in the next two years.


Want to know more?

Learn more about Bramleigh Estate wedding venue Melbourne or download our wedding package. Or why not get in touch with the Bramleigh Estate team to schedule a personalised tour and start planning your own dream wedding!

Bright Bridal Table
Bridal Table Candles
Wedding Table Florals
Wedding Table Decor
Bride and Groom Wedding Reception Entry
Bride and Groom Wedding Reception Entry
Wedding Photos Melbourne
Bride and Groom Wedding Reception Entry
Wedding Veil Kiss
Wedding Cake Kiss
Wedding Portrait
First Dance Kiss Melbourne

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